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  • Writer's pictureJules

Catching Covid, launching nose jewellery and a new furry friend...👀

Hi! So now my website is back up and running I thought I'd start using my blog! I have a few updates to share and since I was ill I haven't been posting on my socials so feel like I haven't had a good chat for a while! Anyway - as the title reads - I finally caught Covid 😣 it was the first time I'd had it, not too sure where I got it from as we hadn't really been anywhere or been near anyone but it happened and it was pretty horrible. 😷 I woke up on Saturday feeling a bit iffy like I had a cold coming and by Saturday night I was being sick and had an awful temperature, I did a test that night and was negative but then did another test on Sunday evening which came back positive. So from that point on I wasn't allowed to leave my bedroom, I live with my parents and obviously they didn't want to catch it so I was banished to my bedroom! It was a very surreal experience, I don't have a TV in my bedroom and my bedroom window just overlooks fields so I didn't see anybody passing by, didn't see or really talk to my family and didn't hear the news or anything! I also managed to miss Halloween, my birthday, bonfire night and my dads birthday! It was a very odd experience and I hope I never have to repeat it as I was pretty poorly and tested positive for nearly 2 weeks, I can't have any more covid booster jabs as the last one made me really ill! So yes it was two weeks of just sitting on my bed feeling sorry for myself, my parents brought all my food and drinks up on a tray and left it outside my door, it's so strange not being able to get yourself a cup of tea or water! And of course the worst part of it was I couldn't see my guinea pigs 😭! I'm not much of an emotional person but I saw a picture of Winnie on my phone one day in isolation and started crying 😅! My dad came in and informed me one day that my car battery was flat and it wouldn't start and I was like 'wait, I have a car?' 😅 it really was the weirdest feeling!

Anyway on to some better news.. I would like to introduce you to Blue Moon!! So just before I got covid I was asked if I could take in this little piggy, I was told she was the runt of the litter, she wasn't putting on weight very much and she also has a skin problem on her head so of course I said I would take her in 🙊! We called her Moon (after my beloved piggy Star who I lost in the summer) and not too sure why but we kept calling her Blue Moon which is ironic because of what happened next! So we took her to the vet about her skin problem and the vet gave us this blue stuff to put on her head to clear up the fungal problem and bless her its kind of dyed her hair blue 🙈 will post a picture of the before and after ⬇⬇

So yes that's little Moon and her story so far, she will be staying with us now and hopefully joining our other girls when she's recovered! She currently lives in my bedroom and greets me with squeaks every time I open the door 🤗and she's eating and drinking well and is enthusiastic to try new vegetables so that's a good sign and hopefully we can get her back to good health :) !

So in jewellery related news - I was working on a new collection of sparkly threader style earrings that I was planning to launch before Christmas but having basically the whole of November off it has put a halt to everything! Not sure now if they'll be ready in time for Christmas, I'm about halfway through making them so still a fair bit to do and then there's all the photo's and editing / descriptions to do and also with the postal strikes that are happening think it will be cutting it too fine to get them out for December but we shall see! I was also hoping to do my first ever Christmas Market but I'm running so behind now I don't think its going to happen :(

I have however just launched a new collection of nose jewellery! There a range of nose rings, nose studs and nose chains that I've just brought out, (I appreciate these are a little bit niche and only relevant if you have a nose piercing) but I really like them so I hope some of you do to! There is a collection on here and also on Etsy, (my Etsy Shop is DaintySilverByJules) Also something else I've been having a play with is Precious Metal Clay, after having Covid it left me feeling very weak so I wasn't up to bashing metal so I thought I'd have a play with Metal Clay which I am very much enjoying, might release some of the pieces as a collection if I'm happy with how they turn out!

Right think that's all for now - ttfn

Jules :) xx

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